Talent Testing Service Working With L.A. Health Dept.

NORTHRIDGE, Calif. - New adult industry health screening facility Talent Testing Service is consulting with the Los Angeles Health Department about plans for a network of clinics.

"We've been in communication with them; we've held several meetings," TTS director of operations Julio Conde told AVN. "We're trying to get a feel for what their concerns are, and we're trying to do two things with them: Number one is, through them, we're putting [together] a network of clinics. Our facility is mainly a drawing station; we're working with them as far as providing the follow-up for the talent. We'll set up an appointment for them where they can go for an examination with a doctor, and in most cases, they will get free treatment.

"We're also coming up with a very high-tech concept for quarantine in the event of an outbreak," Conde continued, "AIM [Adult Industry Medical] already has some procedures in place, and we're trying to orchestrate and organize some sort of system that will give the Department of Health a heads-up in a much more efficient way, as far as gathering names of talent that may have been exposed to HIV in the case of that happening."

Conde said TTS is in ongoing talks with Cal-OSHA, as well.

"Our goal here is to make sure the talent are narrowing their chance of exposure to any STD, and work with the industry as a whole." Conde concluded. "I think the more we do on the health issues, the better off the industry will be. We know what's coming down the pipe on the government level, so the more we do and the more support I get on my end here at Talent Testing Service, I think we'll come up with solutions that will be very acceptable by the different institutions and organizations, as to avoid the ideas that they have in mind. Because [those ideas] will basically kill the industry."

For more information on Talent Testing Service, go to www.talenttestingservice.com.