Industry Vet Scott McGowan Leaves AEBN

ATLANTA - After six years of service, adult industry professional Scott McGowan has announced his departure from on-demand provider Adult Entertainment Broadcast Network (AEBN).

McGowan is best known as the editor and primary writer of, an industry news and commentary outlet operated by AEBN’s internet traffic division, Toss Off Media. He additionally served as the company’s video encoding department manager for a year.

“Working with AEBN is certainly one of the greatest experiences and educations anyone can gain in the adult industry,” said McGowan. “Their reach and vision is second to none and to have been there for the largest part of the company¹s history has and always will be a great source of pride for me.

“It just came time for a change in my personal and professional life. It was a difficult choice to make but I know that in the end I’ve done what¹s best for me and my family.”

Now based in Atlanta, Georgia, McGowan said he is exploring both mainstream and adult industry opportunities. “I’ve got a few irons in the fire,” McGowan said. “I’m just trying to figure out which one's going to get hot first.”

Along with his experience with AEBN, McGowan has also worked as a publicity consultant for companies such as Your Choice B.V. of The Netherlands and classic adult studio VCX. He’s also performed services as freelance writer for publications such as Genesis and Erotic Trade Only of the United Kingdom, where he has been featured as a monthly columnist.

Looking ahead to further work on the European adult scene, McGowan will next be making his way to Berlin, Germany’s Venus Show where he’ll be lending a helping hand to exhibitors Redzone Pictures of the United Kingdom and Your Choice B.V.

Those who wish to contact McGowan for services, can contact him at [email protected]