Fitness With Sophia Fiore: Dip, Baby Dip!

This is the second in a series of articles written for by Sophia Fiore, adult performer and fitness expert. Fiore, who is also known in the national figure competition and personal training circuits as Kayla Mayne, has launched the website Learn more about her adult work at

Whooo! Summer is here, which means bikinis and cropped tank tops, right? Or are you still mid sleeve and baggy shirting it? What if I told you there was a magic pill to suck the jiggle right out of the bottom of your arms, revealing toned and sexy limbs—and it would make you better with your moves in the bedroom? Would you take it? Honestly, what would you be willing to pay for it? Well, I’m sorry, but there is no such pill. But if you’re willing to sweat a bit in the gym for a more intense experience in the bedroom, read on.

One of my favorite moves to help me tighten up my arms, and help me last longer in reverse cowgirl, is the "Dip." As performers, we spend a lot of time and energy leaning back for the camera when performing reverse cowgirl, which requires strong triceps. Working out these muscles is also important for positions such as missionary, where you support most of your own weight. For men, it is the standing position, where the man supports most of woman’s weight, that requires strong triceps.

Positions requiring constant use of your arms are a lot harder on your muscles if you have not been training them at all. You may become more concerned with the fatigue and burning in your triceps, rather than enjoying the mind-blowing sex you’re engaged in. Combined with the fact that the underarms can "jiggle" when you’re wave goodbye—or when you’re being filmed in HD while having sex—and we have some pretty important reasons to dip.

One way I suggest doing dips is on a bench or chair. Extend your legs and place your palms on the very edge of the bench. Keeping your shoulders pushed back, drop your body down so your legs are still extended and your butt is to the floor. Your arms should be in a 90-degree angle, but your shoulders should be pushed back as much as possible. Then push all of the weight down on your palms to raise yourself up so your arms are straight, but not locked. Repeat this move 10 to 12 times for three sets.

To view a demo video where I show how to dip to better arms, click here.

A side note: As I have said 100 times before, and will undoubtedly say again ... women will not get "too buff" doing upper body exercises. Women do not have enough of the needed hormone in their body for giant, bulging muscles to appear. Beautiful, toned arms are what are in your future, but they won’t happen overnight or on accident. You do have to work to protect your right to “bare arms.”

If you are looking to tone your body even more, I suggest taking away some of that cardio time and increasing the weight training. It may be late summer already, but the season is not over yet. If you haven’t reached your goal, don't start with the “there’s always next year” mentality. Do better now and get the body you crave, whether on the beach or on a movie set, because it's always great to look good in clothes, but it's even better to “Look Good Naked.”