Diablo Cody Interviewed On Playboy Radio

LOS ANGELES - Playboy Radio will rebroadcast an interview with Academy Award-winning screenwriter and former stripper Diablo Cody (Juno) on Tiffany Granath's "Afternoon Advice" show this Thursday and Saturday.

Cody was the subject of one of Academy Awards host Jon Stewart's best lines of the night when he remarked, "Hope you're enjoying the pay cut."

On the subject of her first time stripping, the Juno screenwriter told Playboy Radio, "It was awesome. I was shocked how not intimidating it was. You get up on stage, you get your tits out, and you're looking out at the crowd and they're just mesmerized. They just want to see naked girls."

The half-hour interview airs at 4:30 p.m. EST Thursday, Feb. 28 and Saturday Mar. 1. Playboy Radio is broadcast on Sirius channel 198.