WebBilling Launches Tiger API

AMSTERDAM - Direct-debit payment service WebBilling has released its Tiger API, which is said to provide easier, more efficient implementation and faster processing.

WebBilling's platform allows merchant clients to use the company's join page or host their own direct-debit join pages. A customized platform also is available for direct debit, which offers a 10-year negative database available in the Netherlands, Spain, Austria and Germany. Availability in Belgium is pending banking-system approvals, and the U.K. has been approved and is undergoing final technical alterations.

Direct-debit billing offers advantages associated with credit-card billing, including instant access, recurring billing, free trials, cross-sales, upsells, "pay-per-anything," PIN call security and an optional secure PIN, mainly for high-cost content cam sites and sales of physical goods.

The company has a collections department devoted to the adult market.  

WebBilling's direct-debit billing is handled in euros. The company reported that the euro is expected to remain at a 45 percent premium over the U.S. dollar for the next two years.