Christmas Party Set for Phoenix

PHOENIX - Webmaster forum has announced preliminary details for the annual Christmas party, which this year will take place in Phoenix.

The party is set for 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 6, at Frasher's, 2212 N. Scottsdale Road.

"We thought we'd move the GFY party to Phoenix for those who can never make it to Canada," said Shelly Riley, aka Side Chick, of and Webmaster Access. "We don't want to leave anyone out. I know we usually get a big turnout in Toronto, but we should have no problem getting an even bigger turnout in Phoenix because of all the local webmasters."

Riley said another draw to Phoenix is the weather; winters in Toronto can see the temperatures dip below zero degrees, she said.

"I think now Mr. and Mrs. Claus are going to sweat their asses off," she said.

Riley said more details will be announced in the coming weeks, but there are some tried-and-true elements of the annual event that will be guaranteed.

"Like always, we'll be bringing the GFY painted ladies to the party to mingle with," she said.