N.C. Retailer Requests Zoning Variance

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - A local adult store is trying to strike a deal with the city to relocate in cooperation with a zoning ordinance that leaves little room for adult entertainment.

The owners of Central Avenue Video and News have known that they’ve been in violation of zoning rules since the store opened in 1995, and now say they are willing to move. However, the shop needs the city to grant them variance, due to the new location's proximity to residential neighborhoods.

According to a report by WCNC News, a letter from the owners of Central Avenue Video explains that the new location would only be “one-tenth of one percent” in violation of the zoning rules.

Some concerned residents living near the proposed site for the store have spoken out against the move.

“We’ve got homes here. A church. A senior center,” property owner Larry Johnson, told WCNC. “And now they want to put an adult video store here?”

Charlotte’s Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider the store’s request on August 28. Residents will also have an opportunity to address the board.