Florida City Postpones Adult Zoning Vote

PALM BAY, Fla. - An adult ordinance vote has been tabled by the city council because of improper advertising. If passed, the ordinance would confine adult businesses to a four-block district.

Concerned homeowners rallied against the ordinance, but the issue will have to wait until an April 19 meeting.

"Our purpose is not to establish adult entertainment in Palm Bay, but to regulate it," That's the intent of the ordinance," said Deputy Mayor Ed Geier during a council meeting.

According to a report in Florida Today, the city's original adult entertainment ordinance, which officials say needs to be revamped, was approved in 1996.

"We're updating the regulatory ordinance. . . not many cities can zone them out," attorney Michael Kahn, who specializes in crafting adult entertainment ordinances, told Florida Today. "What this means is this provides them a place to locate."

Kahn said that under the current regulations, topless bars, adult book stores or other adult entertainment businesses could locate wherever they wanted in the city.