Florida Adult Zoning Meets Resistance

PALM BAY, Fla. - A commercially zoned area that is being proposed as an adult business area is not going over well with some local residents. Michael Kahn, an attorney hired to revise the city's adult entertainment laws, told Florida Today that he chose the location based on availability of potential sites.

After the public disagreement, Kahn is now promising he will reconsider his recommendation. Most of the criticism voiced, however, is suggesting there be no adult zone at all, even after Kahn said the city would be able to ban alcohol sales at the adult businesses.

According to Florida Today, Kahn noted during a meeting with some concerned citizens that a complete ban of adult businesses is not constitutional. Some residents then offered other sites, arguing that the area is too residential.

Palm Bay currently has a single ordinance regulating adult businesses, allowing them in general commercial zones with restrictions on areas near churches, schools and residential areas.

City officials will vote on three additional ordinances related to adult entertainment today, one of which will propose an adult zone for sexually-oriented businesses. The other two provisions involve public nudity and the sale of alcohol.

"There is no adult dancing establishment in the state of Florida that has flourished without alcohol period," Kahn told Florida Today.