Mickey’s Quickies | Michael Brandon’s Looking Good, Brent Everett Signs With C1R, Cody Kyler Attacked, Gay Gossip

Amid the usual pomp and circumstance—and hijinks—at the 10th annual Cybersocket Web Awards ceremony on Monday, some interesting “stuff” erupted:

  • FabScout Entertainment owner Howard Andrew announced he had just been awarded a $10,000 judgment against rival agent David Forest and intended to collect right then.
  • Brent Corrigan introduced his new boyfriend, who also designed Corrigan’s new website.
  • Performer-director Michael Brandon wowed the crowd with a hot, fresh, new-and-improved look after a year away from the business.
  • Online superstar cutie Cody Kyler looked pretty good after surviving a vicious beating last weekend during a robbery in South Beach, Fla. He warned visitors to bring mace when walking the scenic areas of the posh resort town, and said, “I only ended up with minor cuts and bruises, and my wallet and iPhone got stolen. You know it’s pretty sad when you’re just having a good time with friends, and then some ignorant guys have to come and spoil all the fun. It’s pathetic. There are some pretty fucked-up people in this world, and this is a prime example of it.”
  • On the same night his website won Best Amateur Webcam, Brent Everett signed as a Channel 1 Releasing exclusive. Everett told the crowd, “My mother and father are in the audience, and they are very proud of me.”
  • In accepting the award for Best Latin Theme Site, tall and handsome Gavin Lowe of BangBangBoys.com thanked “all the handsome men of Brazil as well [as] a dead man, Matt Sterling.” Later, he said he worried he may have upset hostess Chi Chi LaRue by mentioning the late porn legend, but Sterling got Lowe into the business and he felt he owed the kudos to Sterling’s memory.
  • The Buddy Profits guys accepted their award with the cryptic comment, “We are going to do something this year that will shock the industry.” They remained mum about what the shocker may be.
  • After Lucas Entertainment’s
Men of Israel picked up top movie honors, President and Chief Executive Officer Michael Lucas told me he no longer will make large-scale epics. Instead, he said he will concentrate on smaller, good-sex films like his Israel series. He begins another foreign film soon, he revealed, in a rented five-bedroom home in Barcelona. While there, the performers will have a full-time gourmet chef at their beck and call.
  • Most exciting (at least for me) was the big coming out of Steven Daigle, the handsome, big and lanky
Big Brother reality TV star who now is performing in porn for LaRue. Daigle handed out a few awards and dished with LaRue, and then charmed fans in the crowd. Daigle’s debut, Steven Daigle XXXposed, will be out soon.