Michael Lucas Launches Fashion Blog

NEW YORK - Lucas Entertainment founder Michael Lucas has branched into new online realms with the launch of a blog that lets him expound on his long-standing passion for cosmopolitan style.

Lucas Fashion builds on Lucas' zest for the finer threads in life - an interest he has demonstrated numerous times in films like Dangerous Liaisons, Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita, The Intern and Brothers Reunion.

"There is nothing I would rather do than to take dazzling clothes off a great body," Lucas said.

The blog's launch slightly precedes release of the new Bruno Gmunder book, Michael Lucas' Gigolos. According to Lucas Entertainment publicity director Patrick Collins, photos in the book are comparable to layouts in the high-fashion magazines Vogue and GQ - though readers will see much more laid out.

Not limited to clothes and accessories, Lucas Fashion plans to serve up a fun-loving mix of tips about travel, shopping, culture, personal care and other points of interest for fashion-forward readers.

"I'll be giving insider updates from fabulous places all over," Lucas promised. "It could be watersports on Lake Como, or L'Espadon in the Paris Ritz. Then again, it could be some incredible boutique in the East Village with great buys on jaw-dropping, chic and unique clothes."

Lucas also writes columns for HX and the New York Blade in addition to his personal blog. He plans to structure Lucas Fashion in much the same way, with one exception.

"I absolutely will not address politics on this new blog," he said. "We all know that those pocket squares Hillary used work best as cum rags anyway."