Award-winning director B. Skow showcases a new, diverse group of young starlets in the fourth volume of popular series Beautiful New Faces from his Skow for Girlfriends Films.
Beautiful New Faces 4 features Scarlet Red on its cover, with Miley May, Whitney Westgate and Jodi Taylor filling out the cast.
“We’re very particular when it comes to casting this series,” Skow said. “It’s not enough for the girls to be beautiful and new—they have to truly bring something unique to the table. I want their personalities to shine through, so when a fan has finished watching the scene, they feel as if they had a genuine connection with the girl.”
He added, “Each of these girls has that ‘it’ quality that makes you pay attention when they walk into a room or when they get in front of the camera. They each have the potential for a really long and successful career in this industry.”

Beautiful New Faces 4 is available now from Girlfriends Films Distribution.